Pain after a Root Canal, What You Should Know

A root canal is an effective procedure involving deep cleaning an infected tooth. This means that experiencing discomfort during the process in the day or two after the procedure is normal. However, the pain should not last forever.

The procedure is meant to help patients relieve decay-related pain. It is normal to feel pain a few days after the root canal. If the pain persists beyond this point, you may need to visit your dentist for additional cleaning or retreatment.

Initial Recovery Period

Years ago, root canals were very painful. This is among the reasons why most people avoid the procedures. Dentists now have pain-relieving measures that help reduce the pain experienced during the procedure.

With modern techniques and the use of local anesthesia, pain during the operation is minimal. Although you will feel pressure, you should not be in pain during the procedure.

Your dentist will then make a slight opening on the tooth and clean out the pulp inside the chamber of the tooth. The sensitivity and pain from the procedure should only last for a few days.

The pain after the procedure is mild, so you will only need over-the-counter medications for pain relief. However, checking with your healthcare provider before taking pain relievers that interact with other prescriptions or supplements you take is essential.

Tips for Pain Management

Besides taking pain-relieving medications, there are other things you can do to ease root canal pain. An excellent way to alleviate pain is by avoiding crunchy and hard foods until the situation improves. You may also consider quitting smoking. Stress-relieving activities such as meditation and yoga can also help you manage the pain.

Also, consider the following tips:

  • While you brush, move the toothbrush gently in circling motions to avoid aggravating the area with the root canal.
  • Floss at least once per day.
  • Reduce the consumption of sugary foods.
  • Schedule regular cleanings to help keep your teeth free from infection.

When to Contact the Dentist

As highlighted earlier, root canal pain should ease gradually. You should immediately reach out to your dentist if pain and swelling persist. Most patients have successful root canal procedures after one or two appointments. Other patients may require more sessions.

The pain should ease if you are taking over-the-counter medication. If not, your doctor may recommend other options, like narcotic pain relievers. These medications are taken temporarily.

Once you have healed completely, you may need to visit your dentist for a crown placement. The crown can be made of gold, porcelain, or metal. The primary goal of fitting a crown is to prevent further damage to the tooth.

Contact Z Dentistry for Root Canal Dentistry

If you are experiencing unusual pain and swelling several days after the root canal procedure, the team at Z Dentistry can help. Contact us to book an appointment with Dr. Jason and Dr. Anh.

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